Organise an Open Orchard to bring people together, provide free fruit to local residents and green our urban environments.
“Everyone was focused on getting those trees planted, it was raining as well but that didn’t seem to dampen anyone’s spirits. It was just one of those nice things to do and I felt good afterwards.”
Dala ikhasi lakho lephrojekthi
Chofoza inkinobho yokuqala eluhlaza ukuze ubhalise futhi usethe ikhasi lakho lephrojekthi. Kuyashesha, kumahhala futhi kulula.
Qedela i Inselele Yezinsuku ezingama-30
Qedela izinyathelo ezilula ezinsukwini ezingama-30 ukuze ukhiphe iphrojekthi yakho phansi.
Yenza iphrojekthi yakho isebenze
Landela umhlahlandlela wezinyathelo ezi-5 kanye nohlelo lwakho lokusebenza ukuze wenze iphrojekthi iphile.
Yabelana ngomthelela
Yabelana Umphumela ngokuthumela isifinyezo nezithombe kanye nokuqedela inhlolovo.
Kuhle ku
Umhlahlandlela wesinyathelo ezi 5
Okuphakanyisiwe: You will need approximately 5 hours per week to start a group and then the time required will vary throughout the year: approx 7 hours per week around planting and harvesting and less then 1 hour at other times of the year.
Ulwazi olwengeziwe mayelana nokuthi ungaqala kanjani nanoma yiziphi izinsiza ezabiwe yi- Open Orchard
"Welcome to Open Orchard! I really believe that if more of us were doing things we cared about locally, the world would be better and we’d be much happier. Open Orchard provides a way for people to come out, plant a fruit tree and in so doing connect with neighbors and care for the environment.”
Izincwadi Zekusasa Eliqhakazile
Thola izincwadi ezinhle ze Book Dash (nganoma yiluphi ulimi olusemthethweni lwaseNingizimu Afrika) ezinganeni emphakathini wakini ukuze zisekele impilo yazo nenjabulo futhi zakhe ikusasa lazo -- okumele ukwenze ukuthumela amafayela ezincwadi zethu esitolo sokukopisha noma ephrinta futhi zizokwenza. okunye!