School gardens

Create a school garden in your school - a place of live learning, research and growing your own food!

Creating a small or large school garden is a great tool for nurturing children's love and curiosity for nature and the earth, forming skills and knowledge for growing their own food, and for some, perhaps, the first introduction to their future career. What is the school garden for?

  • for growing vegetables, fruits and greens;
  • for interesting and practical learning and research;
  • to promo...

Creating a small or large school garden is a great tool for nurturing children's love and curiosity for nature and the earth, forming ski...


すでにSchool gardens をスタートさせているコミュニティに参加する



日本にいませんか? 地域を変更する
School ... を開始する

"We helped school teams create pilot gardens (of very different shapes: from high vegetable or spice beds and stands with microgreens to rethinking abandoned school greenhouses) and saw how much delight, new ideas and enjoyment of the process and ...

School gardens
Kateryna Yakovets
project coordinator of the NGO Bukovyna Agency for Regional Development
expert of the "Gardens of Victory" initiative of the SURGE project


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    を完成させる。 30日間チャレンジ


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    シェア インパクト 概要と写真を掲載し、アンケートに回答する。


  • teams of teachers/parents/students who are interested in new educational formats and urban gardening
  • those who want to teach a new generation of conscious people a careful and responsible attitude towards nature
  • those who are interested in the topic of urban gardening
  • those whose eyes lit up after reading this page and the manual

School gardens プロジェクトの基本


  • Discuss the idea and form a school garden initiative group
  • Choose and analyze the area for the garden
  • Create a plan of your garden and calculate the necessary materials
  • Organize a joint garden workshop and new learning activities in the garden
  • Share your experience with other schools and continue tending the garden


提案: Be prepared to dedicate 1 day a week to prepare and launch a school garden at your school


開始方法に関する詳細情報および共有リソース School gardens

159 School gardens プロジェクトはすでに開始されています


ソーシャル イノベーターに会う

We believe that it is important for children from an early age to understand the long path from seed to food on a plate, to realize the value of available resources and to use them consciously. And it seems exciting to taste vegetables and fruits grown with your own hands, to inspire and teach your parents, friends, and even to help your country in a difficult time.

Tetyana Lebukhorska, head of the NGO Bukovyna Regional Development Agency, head of the "Victory Gardens" initiative of the SURGE project


  • なぜ30日間チャレンジを行うのですか?



  • ファンドは何に使用できますか?



  • 利用可能なファンドがあるかどうかを知るためには、どうすればよいですか?



  • ChangeXとは何ですか?



    • コミュニティ:
    • あなたのコミュニティでインパクトのあるプロジェクトを開始するために必要な資金、リソース、サポートを得ることができます。
    • ソーシャルイノベーター:
    • 地域のチェンジメーカーとつながり、アイデアを拡大するためのファンドにアクセスし、世界中のより多くのコミュニティにインパクトを与えます。
    • ファンド提供者:最も関心のあるテーマや地域、測定可能なインパクト、世界規模でのファンドを提供します。



Ukraine Community Play Fund の他のアイデア

  • Play Action Box

    The Play Action Box is a toolkit of different elements that invites people and children of all ages to play and occupy urban public spaces.

  • Playful Street

    A low cost and easy way to create play spaces so children and neigbours can fully enjoy the streets they live on

  • Fraction Ball

    Fraction Ball repaints the lines on a standard basketball court to help children learn fractions and decimals.

  • Cosy Kindergartens

    Transforming underground shelters into cosy and playful spaces.
