Coding Pirates Game Jam is a competition where children and young people, aged 10-17, compete over 24 hours to develop and code the coolest game. The children work in teams to develop the games. Which means that it is a team effort where the children's abilities in collaboration, creativity, design development, programming and imagination come into play.
The event is held at different locations in Denmark at the same time.
Coding Pirates Game Jam is a competition where children and young people, aged 10-17, compete over 24 hours to develop and code the coolest game. The children work in teams to develop the games. Which means that it is a team effort where the children's abilities in collaboration, creativity, design development, programming and imagination come into play.
The event is held at different locations in Denmark at the same time.
Afholdelse af Game Jam i Lyngby har haft en positiv effekt på deltagerne, da de har oplevet et tættere fællesskab, og set værdien af godt samarbejde.
Desuden har de frivillige haft tid til at opbygge nye relationer med andre frivillige, og flere frivillige har fået øjnene op for fællesskabet i Coding Pirates, og har ytret at de gerne vil deltage som frivillig til ugentlig aktiviteter i en Coding Pirates afdeling.
Vi planlægger at benytte finansieringen på at indkøbe vare til eventet. Vi skal bla have købt:
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