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TastEd is a charity that provides practical support to UK primary schools to deliver sensory food education.


5-trins guide til



TastEd "Welcome to TastEd, we're excited to hear that you're interested in sensory food education and looking forward to supporting you in getting started. " - Fran Box - TastEd Project Manager

5 trin

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TastEd lessons are run in blocks of 5 (one for each of the senses), preparation time for the lesson should take approximately 20-40 mins and the lessons themselves last up to 1 hour. Prior to running a TastEd lesson, there is a 30-minute training video available to watch. Additional time might be required for meeting with other members of staff to discuss how you might choose to run TastEd in your school.

Apply for funding:

If ChangeX have an active fund in your area be sure to apply and work through the 30-day challenge! Once you successfully complete the challenge, you'll have access to funding which you can use for:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetable produce for your lessons
  • Kitchen equipment for your lessons 
  • Specific TastEd equipment: 
    • A set of ear defenders (these are good for TastEd HEAR lessons as they amplify the sounds of the foods as you're eating them)
    • A pack of long socks (these are good for TastEd TOUCH lessons, you can hide fruit and veg inside to remove the sense of sight and just focus on touch)
    • Flour dredgers/fine mesh shaker (these are good for TastEd SMELL lessons, you can put herbs or spices inside and guess what they are just using your sense of smell) 
  • You'll need to commit to running 5 of the TasEd lessons if you receive funding


Create your TastEd account to access the content and lessons:

  • Go to:
  • Sign-up to create a TastEd account
  • You'll receive an email that allows you to log-in and access all the resources

Watch the training video and have a look at the other resources:

  • Log-in to watch the 30 minute training video to better understand what TastEd is and how to run a lesson
  • Have a look at some lesson plans and Powerpoints to help you plan your TastEd delivery

  • Discuss which class you will run the lessons with and who will be delivering them
  • Plan when you will run the 5 x 1-hour sessions (if you've received funding from ChangeX which requires 5 lessons to be run) This could be one a day for a week or one a week over a half-term
  • Is there anything else you need to do before running the sessions, e.g. do you want to let parents know they will be taking place? This all depends on which lessons you've decided to go for!

  • Ensure the school has basic cooking equipment to allow you to prepare for the lessons, for example, a chopping board, knife and colander
  • Buy specific TastEd equipment as mentioned in Step 1: 
    • A set of ear defenders (these are good for TastEd HEAR lessons as they amplify the sounds of the foods as you're eating them)
    • A pack of long socks (these are good for TastEd TOUCH lessons, you can hide fruit and veg inside to remove the sense of sight and just focus on touch)
    • Flour dredgers/fine mesh shaker (these are good for TastEd SMELL lessons, you can put herbs or spices inside and guess what they are just using your sense of smell) 

  • Download the first lesson plan and corresponding PowerPoint
  • Use the lesson plan to prepare for the lesson and see what you need
  • Buy the fruit and veg that's needed
  • Prepare the fruit and veg
  • Deliver your first lesson
  • Let us know how you go on!
