April 2021
Rathfarnham Parish National School
Washington Lane
Dublin 14
Pollination Plan
This plan has been drafted by staff members, along with the help and vision of the children in Rathfarnham Parish National School (RPNS).
We aim to:
Grow produce that the children and staff can take home with them and to use for cooking in school.
Use several flower/soil beds for planting a variety of seeds, plants and wildflowers to encourage a healthy environment for pollinators.
Send home suitable seeds/plants for the children to plant at home.
The members of staff involved in the initial stages of the project are:
Joyce Perdue
Louise Hendy
Gretchen Dawson
Tara Byrne
Aoife Farrell
The meeting took place in the school garden, beside where we will plant some of the plants (please see photograph).
What will we do?
We have decided to plant:
Pollinator plants
A herb garden
We aim to send each family and staff member home with a packet of seeds to plant at home.
Where will we do it?
We have selected areas within the school grounds where there are suitable flower beds. There are a variety of beds, both raised and at a lower level, that will be suitable for children of all ages to access.
What will we need?
Plants and seeds
Plant feed
Fencing stakes
Pots and baskets
A watering system
Lesson plans to explore the process with the children
Updates for communication with the school community
Ideas for Planting
Native pollinator friendly wildflower seeds (https://www.bloomingnative.ie)
Trees: native hawthorn, hazel, alder, rowan, crab apple, willow, horse chestnut and ornamental cherry
Shrubs: berberis, forsythia, potentilla, lavender, rosemary, mahonia, viburnum and cotoneaster
Vegetables: Cut and come again lettuce, rocket, courgettes, spring onion, sweet peas, broccoli and spinach
Covid 19 Safety Plan
We will follow the RPNS Covid -19 Response Plan, as available from the following link: https://2ecfde84-096f-4c74-8d5e-218a61ced189.filesusr.com/ugd/5baaa0_94a9e3280e514976999b5f5fe7ea3c8a.pdf
Physical Distancing will be used when outdoors tending to the project. Children will be brought out in their bubbles and/or pods.
Good respiratory hygiene will be maintained, with children and adults reminded on each visit.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn as necessary by adults when with groups or individuals.
Gardening equipment will be sanitised after each use and stored in the shed for 72 hours when sanitisation is not possible. Those who use the equipment will be responsible for this, in the case of children using the equipment, the sanitising will be overseen by the adult responsible for the group.
Gloves will be washed after each use (to be brought home by Aoife).
In the event of a suspected case of Covid-19, the school procedures will be followed.
Benefits to the School Community
This kind of long-term project is an excellent opportunity for hands-on, cross-curricular learning for all ages.
This project is also a great way to connect with parents, the community, and local organisations to strengthen the collective knowledge about making spaces suitable for pollinators.
Children will gain the knowledge necessary to improve their environment, taking this learning with them throughout their lives.
Exploring natural environments is a wonderful opportunity to meet the sensory needs of the children and adults in the school.
It is an opportunity to focus on a positive project, in a safe environment.
Spending time outdoors engaging with the environment provides excellent mental health benefits.
We aim to support local businesses in our community, sourcing our supplies for the project through them.