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Generation Citizen

Teach teens how to work with local leaders and take effective political action to fix local problems.

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Generation Citizen

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Generation Citizen "Welcome to the ChangeX Generation Citizenguide! We're delighted you're thinking aboutbringing GC to your school or college campus. Here you’ll findthe information and resources you need to get started. Don't be afraid to get intouch at any stage, we'd love to help!" - Scott Warren, Co-Founder of Generation Citizen

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Daftar Periksa Sumber Daya


Implementing the curriculum in your school will be done over the period of a semester and we'll help you design a program to fit into your weekly classroom schedule.

Test out lesson plans

This 2-lesson curriculum aims to reinvigorate civic attitudes and motivation in students. By drawing students’ attention to their local governments, systems and services, students will gain appreciation for the potential power of their actions at a local level. Students will work together to choose an issue in their community they feel needs to be solved, and then seek out a local elected official to address it.

​By the end of the two lessons, students will be better equipped to engage in their local communities. Additionally, these lessons will help to produce a renewed perspective of political engagement of positivity, hope, and productivity, rather than one of confusion and disillusion.

Download the lessons here

Take Action in your Community

As a teacher, you can encourage kids in your classroom to engage in your community in many different ways. Here are just some of the ways that they can engage beyond the ballot.

