Yhteisöille Aloita hankeideoita Hanki rahoitusta, resursseja ja tukea vaikuttavien hankkeiden aloittamiseen
Sosiaalisille innovaattoreille Skaalaa hankeideasi Ota yhteyttä yhteisön muutoksentekijöihin ja rahoita vaikutustasi
Organisaatioille Perusta rahasto Rahoita sinulle tärkeitä teemoja ja alueita
You are very welcome to meet us in St Brigid's! I imagine we will arrive not long after 11 - you cannot get locked out as everything will take place in the garden which is completely open access!
I missed the last GIY (I've just joined) but would love to come along to the one in Saint Brigid's Stillorgan. Could I meet you there? Stillorgan is much closer to me than Dundrum and I'll be coming by bike. At what time will you be there and how do I gain access in case I'm locked out, as I don't have contact details for the organiser... Many thanks for organising. Dervila
Sorry can’t make this one, looking forward to the next! 😊