Learning Through Play Festival is an extracurricular activity held at elementary schools. Parents and students participate in fun, useful activities to learn about Learning through Play, the benefits of Learning through Play, and are guided by teachers to apply simple activities at home with their children, contributing to their hoslistic development.
For schools, Learning through Play is widely understood as an educational approach, where students can interact, experience, explore and solve problems in a fun learning environment. Teachers connect learning goals with play activities to promote student participation and autonomy, thereby contributing to the development of learners' qualities and abilities. And in an easy-to-understand way, LTP means children can interact, experience, explore and solve problems in a fun, exciting, stress-free learning environment. Play activities are connected to learning goals to promote children's engagement and autonomy. Not simply playing for fun or entertainment, but playing towards children having the opportunity to discover and experience new knowledge through play activities.
b. Activities for parents to learn about the benefits of Learning through Play for the holistic development of students. Objective of the activity: Parents understand the benefits of Learning through Play for students' holistic development. Number: 35-37 parents participating/1 session. Operator: 2 teachers/ 1 corner Time: 30 minutes c. Activities for parents to learn about their roles in supporting Learning through Play Objectives: Parents understand their roles in supporting Learning through Play (LTP activities can be organized at home, supporting teachers in applying LTQC in class). Number: 35-37 parents participating/1 session. Operator: 2 teachers/ 1 corner. Time: 30 minutes.