Limerick GIY
Limerick GIY
Caitlin Lewis joined GIY Limerick City a GIY group almost 6 years ago
Kathy MacAndrew Wallace
Kathy MacAndrew Wallace
Aileen Duggan joined GIY Limerick City a GIY group almost 6 years ago
Siobhan Collins joined GIY Limerick City a GIY group almost 6 years ago
Limerick GIY
Limerick GIY
Ciara Hayes
Ciara Hayes
Ed O'Connor
Ed O'Connor
Ed O'Connor joined GIY Limerick City a GIY group about 6 years ago
Martin Quinlan joined GIY Limerick City a GIY group about 6 years ago
Limerick GIY
Limerick GIY
Niall O'Hara joined GIY Limerick City a GIY group over 6 years ago
Ciara Hayes joined GIY Limerick City a GIY group over 6 years ago
Marie Flannery joined GIY Limerick City a GIY group over 6 years ago
Aidan O'Brien joined GIY Limerick City a GIY group over 6 years ago

About GIY Limerick City

We meet most months (except January) usually on the last Tuesday of the month. In Winter we meet indoors. In summer we try to organise outdoor events

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events

Who's Involved

Limerick GIY
Limerick GIY
Contact Person

Team & Members (99)
