Hi everyone. The next GIY Dundrum meeting is on Saturday March 12th in Airfield House at 10.30. We will have a talk by Colm O'Driscoll, who is the head gardener in Airfield. His talk is entitled: Grow Soil, Harvest Food
In this talk Colm will discuss vegetable production with a focus on working with the soil biology to produce healthy soil which translates to healthy vegetables. Learn how to reduce your inputs, cut your labour and reap the reward of a more environmentally sustainable method of growing vegetables. The talk will also discuss the evolution of the food garden in Airfield Estate and will include variety recommendations of some of the tastiest vegetables he has grow.
We are paying a fee for this talk so we would ask that those of you who can afford it would make a contribution on the day.
We will meet by the ticket desk at the entrance at 10.30 and go to the Education Cabins from there so that no one gets lost! It would be very helpful if you would let us know if you plan to attend so that we have a sense of the numbers attending.
Looking forward to seeing you all then.