Welcome to Books for Bright Futures! It’s time to bring the magic of books to your community. Imagine every young child in your community receiving their very own children’s books and reading books that reflect their own realities. Imagine your whole community sharing stories from beautiful books in their home language. You can contribute to building the bright futures of the children in your community by following a simple process of printing and distributing beautiful Book Dash books! Continue reading to help make this happen.
Welcome to Books for Bright Futures! It’s time to bring the magic of books to your community. Imagine every young child in your community receiving their very own children’s books and reading books that reflect their own realities. Imagine your whole community sharing stories from beautiful books in their home language. You can contribute to building the bright futures of the children in your community by following a simple process of printing and distributing beautiful Book Dash books! Continue reading to help make this happen.
Timeline: The project will begin on the 12 of December. The team will meet twice a week, virtually and in person.
Budget: We will need reliable internet, transport and an affordable printing company, estimated prices for the project are as following:
1. Transport/Fuel : R4000
2. Print : R20 000
3. Internet : R 1500
4.Contingecy : R10 000
how you're planning to spend the seed funding & what costs you're anticipating to get your project up and running:
Impact: The success of our project will highlight the importance of literacy. Children from Philippi will be able to access books written in their mother tongue and share them with friends and family. With over 80% of grade 4 learners who struggle to read for understanding, This project's aim is to break that cycle with one book at a time. We aim to print over a thousand books with the possibility of reaching over 500 children and more, with each child getting two books, one in English and one in IsiXhosa. We believe with the help of Change X and Book Dash we can reach even more children with a continuous partnership we hope to ignite a love for reading and live where books are accessible to anyone despite of who they are and what circumstances they come from.
Location: Once we have printed all the books, they will be stored at one of our members home(Michael Holmes) from then on distributed to the chosen beneficiaries in Philippi. Our face-face meetings will be held in central locations at any local public facility