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Traffic Safety

Pre-school students need the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively, and connect the school with materials and technical advice to improve the knowledge and skills of students.


5-Schritte-Anleitung für

Traffic Safety


"Welcome to the Online Traffic Safety Education Program! Let's create safer journeys for students and build a community for road safety." -

5 Schritte

Wer? Jemand der...



Cần 10 buổi học để hoàn thành. Tuy nhiên, việc thực hiện thực tế có thể khác nhau giữa các trường. Để đảm bảo hiệu quả tối ưu, một nhóm nên 15-20 học sinh là tối đa. Tuy nhiên, thưc tế thì tùy thuộc vào sĩ số của lớp.

The school establishes the goals and desired outcomes of the project.

  • At this step, the school can determine the objectives and scale of the program based on actual needs (depending on the size of the school and the involvement of teachers).
  • For example, five classes will use the lesson plans and two teachers will lead the classes.

Teachers familiarize themselves with the lesson plan software.

  • Teachers will have the opportunity to review the lesson plan software and create a suitable schedule for their classes.

The school appoints a person to run the project

  • The project manager will work with teachers to ensure project progress and implementation according to the initially set goals and desired results.

Implement lesson plans in class with students

  • Students will access Online Traffic Safety Education software to enhance traffic safety knowledge and skills.

Project impact report

  • Using a sample monitoring and evaluation framework, the school will evaluate the project's impact after planned implementation.
