Community gatherings to build bridges and overcome division
"This community gathering is not a political statement, it's a statement of who we are as people"
Create your project page
Click the green start button to register and set up your project page. It’s quick, free and easy.
Complete a 30 Day Challenge
Complete simple steps in 30 days to get your project off the ground.
Activate your project
Follow the 5 Step Guide and your action plan to bring the project to life.
Share impact
Share impact by posting a summary and photos and completing a survey.
Great for
Suggested: The event will take approximately 4 hours to pull together and on the day of the event you'll need approximately 4 hours to get ready, host the event and clean up afterwards.
More information on how to get started and any resources shared by the Sambusa Sunday
Welcome to Sambusa Sunday! We want to empower you to host a Sambusa Sunday community gathering in your neighborhood, city or town. This is an opportunity to support and show gratitude for one another in spite of the divisive and threatening atmosphere that currently exists, which is threatening to shake the fabric of what this country stands for. It’s time to experience the joy of connecting with people in your local community by sharing Sambusa, Chai Tea and Conversations with each other. Find out here how to start a local Sambusa Sunday community gathering.
Our impact so far...