OpenSeat Playful Feasts 動画を見る

OpenSeat Playful Feasts help facilitate connections between children and their parents (or caregivers) through playful & conversation-focused meals

This unique gathering is designed to bring parents and children together to engage in play, conversation, and delicious food around the dinner table. As a meal campaign of the OpenSeat meal-hosting platform, this idea aims to foster meaningful connections between parents, caretakers and their children, strengthening family bonds and creating lasting memories. Mealtime can be more than just eati...


This unique gathering is designed to bring parents and children together to engage in play, conversation, and delicious food around the d...


すでにOpenSeat Playful Feastsをスタートさせているコミュニティに参加する



Suomiにいませんか? 地域を変更する
OpenSea... を開始する

I really love the fact that [OpenSeat] is thinking about kids and families because I think there's such a need for families to be encouraged to connect with each other … I like where you are going with this. I think you're only gonna be able to kn...

OpenSeat Playful Feasts
Lisa Ternent


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    を完成させる。 30日間チャレンジ


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    シェア インパクト 概要と写真を掲載し、アンケートに回答する。


  • Someone who wants to improve the quality of relationships between parents and children (ages 4-12) in their community
  • Someone who is passionate about childhood social development
  • Someone who likes working with children
  • Someone who enjoys practicing the art of hospitality
  • Those with child or family-focused experience, whether parents, teachers, occupational therapists, ECD workers, or anyone else invested in the wellbeing and education of children

OpenSeat Playful Feasts プロジェクトの基本


  • Register on ChangeX and OpenSeat
  • Plan your feast (& optional consultation with OpenSeat team)
  • Create your digital invite on OpenSeat and link it to the Playful Feast Hub
  • Spread the word and manage the guestlist
  • Host the meal, and consider hosting another!


提案: There are five main aspects to starting a Playful Feast // STEP 1: If not hosted at someone's home, finding an appropriate venue (30-60 minutes) // STEP 2: Creating your specific Playful Feast on the OpenSeat campaign hub, writing up a description, thinking through the meal protocol that will be followed, and spreading the word through social media (~5 hours total) // STEP 3: Organising food and drink — dependent on whether the event is self-catered or not (30 minutes to 6 hours) // STEP 4: Setting up the table and environment (30-60 minutes) // STEP 5: Hosting your OpenSeat Playful Feast (around 5 hours, including set up and clean-up).


開始方法に関する詳細情報および共有リソース OpenSeat Playful Feasts

235 OpenSeat Playful Feasts プロジェクトはすでに開始されています


ソーシャル イノベーターに会う

Everyone from families, friends, presidents, workers, Jesus and celebrities have used meals as a symbolic act of relationship building, even cross-cultural exchange — a way to bring together diverse groups of people in a harmonious environment. Sharing a meal together offers the opportunity for deep conversation, a thousand and one laughs, easy as well as awkward interactions — experiences that create lasting memories.

Callum Oberholzer


  • なぜ30日間チャレンジを行うのですか?



  • ファンドは何に使用できますか?



  • 利用可能なファンドがあるかどうかを知るためには、どうすればよいですか?



  • ChangeXとは何ですか?



    • コミュニティ:
    • あなたのコミュニティでインパクトのあるプロジェクトを開始するために必要な資金、リソース、サポートを得ることができます。
    • ソーシャルイノベーター:
    • 地域のチェンジメーカーとつながり、アイデアを拡大するためのファンドにアクセスし、世界中のより多くのコミュニティにインパクトを与えます。
    • ファンド提供者:最も関心のあるテーマや地域、測定可能なインパクト、世界規模でのファンドを提供します。



International Day of Play Community Fund South Africa の他のアイデア


    Turn everyday places into playspaces through Play Everywhere.

  • Playful Street

    A low cost and easy way to create play spaces so children and neigbours can fully enjoy the streets they live on

  • Play Action Box

    The Play Action Box is a toolkit of different elements that invites people and children of all ages to play and occupy urban public spaces.
