Seed funding for the Franklin Avenue Library Community Fridge will be used to support the purchase of a commercial fridge and materials needed to build the pantry (including additional shelving and infrastructure to protect food from pests), and also support electrical work needed to adapt the library’s east entryway to house the fridge. Funding may also be used to purchase cleaning supplies (which will be stored separately from the food) and organizational materials.
In order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 the entryway will have a hand sanitizing station, gloves, and a cleaning schedule for staff/volunteers to keep the area as sanitary as possible. There will also be signage to encourage community members to sanitize their hands before handling food, and staff/volunteers will be required to wash hands thoroughly before handling food and/or working in the community fridge area. Staff/volunteers will also follow City of Des Moines guidelines regarding COVID-19 prevention, illness, and/or exposure.
The Franklin Avenue Library Community Fridge will benefit the community through partnering with local organizations Eat Greater Des Moines, Iowa Food Co-Op, and the Franklin Avenue Community Garden to address food scarcity and food insecurity within Des Moines’s west side and minimize food waste through food recovery of produce and other healthy food from local stores and vendors. The fridge will also benefit community members by providing nutritious food for free in order to improve the overall health of the community.