
AWS InCommunities Frankfurt Fund

€100.000 · FrankfurtRhineMain

Ideas probadas y éxitosas. Financiación para tu comunidad local.

The €100,000 AWS InCommunities Frankfurt Fund will help you to start or expand a community project in your neighbourhood in Frankfurt and the surrounding areas. AWS InCommunities is dedicated to building a world where every person has the opportunity to live a life of dignity on a healthy planet.

Cómo funciona
  • Select an idea listed below or submit your existing project and register to get your project page
  • Use your project page to complete the 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan
  • Let us know what impact you are having in your community
Quién puede presentar una solicitud
  • You live in FrankfurtRhineMain. Please note that preference will be given to projects that take place in Frankfurt, Offenbach (Nord), Eschborn, Hattersheim, Kelsterbach, Rüsselsheim, Königstädten, Nierstein, Dexheim, or Oppenheim.
  • You're passionate about building a thriving community where you live
  • You are an individual, an existing local group or a community organization
Qué obtienes
  • Seed funding to start your selected idea
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social impact of your active project

Explorar ideas ya probadas

Elige una idea para comenzar en tu comunidad. Ver los términos y condiciones.
El plazo de este fondo para presentar solicitudes ha terminado. Aún puedes iniciar ideas sin financiación o buscar otros fondos activos en tu área para llevar a cabo una de estas ideas.
  • Proyecto WeCount

    Controla el tráfico y la contaminación atmosférica en tu comunidad local y utiliza los datos para crear comunidades más saludables y sostenibles.

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge (Germany)

    Lead a hands-on STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) program in your school or community for 9- to 16-year-olds.

  • Repair Café

    Pon en marcha un lugar de reunión en tu comunidad para reparar las cosas en vez de tirarlas.

  • Edible Parklet

    Expand public or private space with these digitally fabricated parklets to promote growing food in your community

  • The GreenPlan

    Empowering society to tackle climate change

  • School bees

    Start a bee group at your school and get children excited about the environment!

  • Urban Thinkscape

    Transform a public space in your community into a joyful learning opportunity.

  • Hora del Código

    Organiza una Hora del Código™ y únete a un movimiento global que introduce a decenas de millones de estudiantes en todo el mundo a las ciencias de la informática.

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Explore (Germany)

    Lead a hands-on STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) program in your school or community for 6- to 10-year-olds.

25 personas ya se han unido al

Empieza algo hoy

"With the launch of our 100k EUR community fund, we deepen our commitment to support our local communities. We want to make a positive difference in the communities in which we operate, particularly in areas like environment and education. We’re looking forward to your project ideas and to play a small part in making a lasting difference."

  • Kai-Uwe Reichow, cluster leader FRA