parkHIIT has become a necessary part of my weekly routine. I’m so thankful for this sense of community and connection. Instead of spending cold, gloomy winter mornings under a duvet, you’ll find me in my local park. Even on difficult mornings when...
提案: We estimate about 10 hours of admin, Zoom calls and conversations in your local community to plan your group. Once established, maintaining a weekly parkHIIT session will take approximately two hours per week to allow for set up, communications, the session itself and the close out - don't forget the coffee afterwards!
開始方法に関する詳細情報および共有リソース parkHIIT
"Welcome to parkHIIT! We want to empower you to bring a free parkHIIT workout to your local community. parkHIIT is a 30-minute weekly workout that promotes the importance of resistance exercise. Find out here how to start a parkHIIT workout in your local park."