We have a garden at the back of our premises. Over time we built our own polytunnel and lean-to glass house from upcycled material. We have been growing a range of vegetables, herbs and flowers over the years. This year as part of worker training they embarked on a QQI level 3 Major Award course. One of the modules of this course involved horticulture, potting, planting from vegetables, flowers and trees and they made a pond to encourage natural wildlife. The participants learned many techniques for growing from seed and later stages of growing.
We have a garden at the back of our premises. Over time we built our own polytunnel and lean-to glass house from upcycled material. We have been growing a range of vegetables, herbs and flowers over the years. This year as part of worker training they embarked on a QQI level 3 Major Award course. One of the modules of this course involved horticulture, potting, planting from vegetables, flowers and trees and they made a pond to encourage natural wildlife. The participants learned many techniques for growing from seed and later stages of growing.
Intreo/DSP gave some fundingvia St. Patrick's CEP this year, towards the training of participants in the QQI level 3 Major Award in Employability Skills. One module of this involves Horticulture. The course is delivered by the LWETB. So Participants will gain skills in Horticulture and receive accreditation