Urban Thinkscape is a project of Playful Learning Landscapes that groups 3 low-cost activities together to generate high-quality interactions between children and caregivers in an urban environment. Playful Learning Landscapes provides 4 templates that communities can choose from to develop their set of 3 urban activities (Puzzle Wall, Jumping Feet, Giant Ruler, Analogy Stepping Stones). Communities are free to develop their own activities for the site as long as the new activities follow the playful learning design principles. At least one of the activities for each Urban Thinkscape project should come from the Playful Learning Landscape templates.
Playful Learning Landscapes is a global movement that is situated at the intersection of placemaking and early learning. By infusing our cities and public spaces with playful learning opportunities for children and families, we create vibrant and inclusive social environments that nurture a strong sense of community. We also improve educational equity and enhance children’s cognitive and social development, better preparing them for success in the 21st-
To design Playful Learning Landscapes, we use a 3-part formula:
1. How Children Learn
Actively Engaging
Socially Interactive
2. What Children Learn
Communication; Content; Critical Thinking; Creative Innovation, Confidence, Collaboration
3. Community Values
A successful design will incorporate all 5 qualities of HOW children learn, and at least 1-2 of the 6C’s that define the learning goals, or WHAT children need to learn to flourish.