We throw away vast amounts of stuff - stuff which could get a new lease of life after a simple repair. Lots of people have forgotten that they can repair things themselves or they no longer know how. Repair Cafés are free meeting places where people come together to repair things together. In a local Repair Café, you’ll find tools and materials to help you make any repairs you need on clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances, toys, etc. You'll also find expert volunteers, with repair skills in all kinds of fields. Visitors bring their broken items from home and in the Repair Café, they start making their repairs with the specialists. It’s an ongoing learning process.
Repair Cafés help people in the community whose skills may not always be valued to get involved again. It helps neighbors from different backgrounds connect with each other and allows valuable practical knowledge to be shared. Repairing things at a Repair Café means things are being used for longer and don’t have to be thrown away. This reduces the volume of raw materials and energy needed to make new products.
We throw away vast amounts of stuff - stuff which could get a new lease of life after a simple repair. Lots of people have forgotten that they can repair things themselves or they no longer know how. Repair Cafés are free meeting places where people come together to repair things together. In a local Repair Café, you’ll find tools and materials to help you make any repairs you need on clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances, toys, etc. You'll also find expert volunteers, with repair skills in all kinds of fields. Visitors bring their broken items from home and in the Repair Café, they start making their repairs with the specialists. It’s an ongoing learning process.
Repair Cafés help people in the community whose skills may not always be valued to get involved again. It helps neighbors from different backgrounds connect with each other and allows valuable practical knowledge to be shared. Repairing things at a Repair Café means things are being used for longer and don’t have to be thrown away. This reduces the volume of raw materials and energy needed to make new products.
Dear Repair Cafe Arizona,
We have great news: we will bring Martine Postma, the founder of the Repair Cafe Foundation to Superior, Arizona, for an event on October 26. This is free and open to all, so please share the word. We will also have 3 other European speakers with us, 2 from Sweden and one from the Netherlands. I hope to see you there. Please find more information at the link below.
Please contact me if you have any interest or questions: [email protected]
Hi Karen, Yes, we have the entire event recorded, see https://www.pocacito.org/pocacito-in-superior/ Please contact me with any plans you have. How is the situation where you are? Any impacts from the fires?
Hi Max, Happy New Year! Was it recorded in the end? Here are two of our promos that you may be interested in and/or sharing. Karen at Mend It, Australia https://therestartproject.org/podcast/mend-it-australia/?fbclid=IwAR2Y4ein6keycl1uYgC6nVWPEH3rhCIIa7PNKaMtOdsijOHhBTykDZVO-NA https://youtu.be/b6siHQChYpY
Max, that would be great! Even an amateur recording would be better than no recording. It certainly fits with attending a conference on the circular economy with little waste involved. I attend the DIF each year from the comfort of my study in Melbourne. Brilliant.