Neighbourhood Network creates an opportunity for neighbours to connect and work together to support, strengthen and celebrate their communities
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Klara av en 30-dagarsutmaning
Klara av enkla steg på 30 dagar för få igång ert projekt.
Starta ert projekt
Följ 5-stegsguiden för att komma igång med projektet.
Dela projektets resultat
Dela inverkan genom att uppdatera projektsidan med en sammanfattning och foton, samt fylla i en enkät.
Ungefärlig: You will need approximately 3 hours per week to build and manage your Neighbourhood Network.
Mer information om hur ni kommer igång och eventuella resurser som delas av Neighbourhood Network
We’ve created Neighbourhood Network to help support and co-ordinate neighbours all over the country to stay connected with each other, and in particular to those in our communities who are at risk. We want to use this time of crisis as an opportunity to build community and celebrate our neighbourhoods.