Action plan:
Timeline: We will start our project as soon as we get the funding for it - August 2023. Our team will meet each week to see where we are with the project. We will work on the correct dates in the season for planting the trees and other fruiting shrubs/plants - September - November 2023.
We will be adding to the fruit trees we have plated in the past at OASIS Community Gardens. So we are creating a real orchard and look forward to the harveset to come and all that we will do with this fruit in the future. We intend to put labels on trees so people can see the differnt varities, We will have a tree planting week for the Community and we will do other projects for all age groups as we want theh whole community to take ownership of these trees.
Budget: We will use the Seed funding to buy Fruit trees (apples, pears, apricot, cherry, plum) fruit bushes ( rasberry, red and black currants, rhubarb, gooseberry, blueberry and more). Trees will cost between £50 and £200 dependiing on the size, frt shrics smaller amounts. We will buy stakes/ for the trees,
Trees - £1400 Frut bushes/shubs - £400. Tree Stkes, Tools - £150. Signage - £50
Impact: The communty benefti is immedite and future long term. Immedite benefits ae that the 'Gardenig for Lie' tem will join with other members of the community in tree planting days to install the trees an plants. (People come to do theraapeutic gardening who are unemployed, hve addiitional needs, mental health, isolated etc). The project wll nurture the treees and cre for thm over the early years. The long term benefit iis the fruiti available to the community, the food projects this will support, the therapeutic cooking projects and he wildlife which will benefit from fruit trees being grown. We will use the trees as lerning opportunities in gardening, horticulture, nature and food projects for people of lal ages in the communty,
Outcomes - To bring the community togeher in therapeutic growing projects. Imrove the productivity of the Community Gardens site. To use the Commnity Orchard to imroive community educatiion, health and wellbeing. To ncrease food resiliance through community growing and cooking projects. To increase nterest in gardening, horticulture and community food growing.
Location: The project is based at the Oasiis Communiity Gardens siite on the disadvantaaged Kilton estate in Worksop, Nottinghmshire, S81 0DE UK. As a chrity at Oasis we own the land as from a month ago so we do not need any permissiion at this loction.