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Hi Becky, thank you for joining the group and supporting this initiative. In fact we do work with local partners to help connect us with newcomer families. I am glad to hear you recognize names in the group and feel they would be great hosts. To be honest we have been a little overwhelmed with new members since the MPR story. But it's all very exciting. We remain committed to our original goal of building positive and long lasting relationships between local families and newcomers. We do not want these efforts to be 'volunteerism', but in fact an opportunity to create a stronger, safer, and more understanding community. So we only host 3-4 dinners a month in partnership with local organizations that support immigrant and refugee families. I appreciate all your comments and concerns, and can certainly say we try our best to address these issues with our hosts. Once families are selected we provide guidelines and tips for hosting; and trust our local partners to prepare newcomer families for the experience. We also stay closely connected with hosts before, during, and after the dinners. In any case, we appreciate you joining us. I will add you to our host list and update you soon. Best.