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Desafio Unidos pelo Brincar na Bahia

R$409,415 · Bahia, Brazil
Letha imibono efakazelwe emphakathini wakho

Imibono efakazelwe kanye noxhaso lomphakathi wakho

Play is critical for children’s well-being and skills development and we can all play a role in building more playful communities. Supported by LEGO Foundation, this 425,000 BRL Challenge is dedicated to helping you create more playful experiences for children in your community, school or neighbourhood in Bahia.

Isebenza kanjani
  • Select an idea listed below and register to get your project page
  • Use your project page to complete the 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan
  • Once you're active let us know what impact you are having in your community
Ubani ongafaka isicelo
  • You are a non-profit association or foundation
  • You want to start a ChangeX idea to improve your local community
  • You're passionate about creating Learning through Play opportunities in your community in Bahia
  • Seed funding to start your selected idea
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social impact of your active project

Hlola imibono eqinisekisiwe

Khetha umbono ozowuqala emphakathini wakho. Bona imigomo nemibandela.
Lesi sikhwama sivaliwe ukuze kufakwe izicelo. Usengaqala imibono ngaphandle koxhaso, noma uhlole ezinye izimali ezibukhoma endaweni yangakini.

    Shintsha izindawo zansuku zonke zibe yizindawo zokudlala nge Play Everywhere.

  • Playful Communities

    Create Playful Spaces in Your Community!

  • Ukudlala ngokuthembana

    IPlaying With Trust wumdlalo webhodi/umdlalo wedijithali ohluke kakhulu okhuthaza ukusetshenziswa okudlalwayo kwezikhala zomphakathi

  • Playworks

    Leverage evidence-based play strategies to transform the culture of your recess, classroom, or youth program!

  • iUrban Thinkscape

    Guqula indawo yomphakathi emphakathini wakho ube yithuba lokufunda elijabulisayo.

  • Imibono yenkundla yemidlalo

    Yakha inkundla yokudlala noma ngabe ukuphi, usebenzisa amathuluzi endawo, izinto zokwakha, namakhono

  • Education for Sharing

    Teaming up with teachers to learn about social emotional skills through play

  • Nüdel Kart

    Make creativity, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) and well being top priorities by transforming any space into a creative, loose parts, play space for 3-12 year olds.

173 abantu sebevele bajoyina

Qala okuthile namuhla

The Together for Play movement believes that play is essential for children's development. Therefore, it is with great joy that we support the arrival of ChangeX in Brazil. This is an innovative and collaborative way to implement play experiences by connecting resources, ideas and communities. - Caroline Rego, Movimento Unidos pelo Brincar
