"Welcome to FIRST® LEGO® League on ChangeX. FIRST® LEGO® League introduces science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) to children ages 4-16 through fun, exciting hands-on learning. Our three divisions inspire young people to experiment and grow their critical thinking, coding, and design skills through hands-on STEM learning and robotics. The Explore programme is designed for 6-9 year olds and here you can find out how to get grant funding & all the information you need to get started in your school. I'm looking forward to supporting you along the way! "
"Welcome to FIRST® LEGO® League on ChangeX. FIRST® LEGO® League introduces science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) to children ages 4-16 through fun, exciting hands-on learning. Our three divisions inspire young people to experiment and grow their critical thinking, coding, and design skills through hands-on STEM learning and robotics. The Explore programme is designed for 6-9 year olds and here you can find out how to get grant funding & all the information you need to get started in your school. I'm looking forward to supporting you along the way! "
Thanks to funding through ChangeX and the Ballybane Wind Farm we were able to purchase the equipment to take part in the Lego League. It introduces science, technology, engineering and maths to children in a fun and exciting way. The boys learned lots of new skills such as coding and how to work in a team. The boys absolutely loved taking part in the project and we hope to take part in next year's lego league too. Thank you ChangeX.
When will you be able to start your project? We are hoping to start our project in January 2023 when we receive the lego sets.
How often will your team meet? Our team will meet once a week.
Are there any key dates to share for the project? No but once we begin there are 10 teacher led sessions to complete - I hour per week for 10 weeks. We must showcase our work at the end of the program.
We will spend the funding on taking part in the Lego League Explore Superpowered project. For a class of 29 pupils we need to purchase 1 Lego League Superpowered 30 - set for teams of six. We then need to purchase five Lego Education Spike Prime sets - one set per team.
How will your community benefit from this project? According to a panel of experts assembled by the Institute for the Future, up to 85% of the jobs that people will have in 2030 have not been invented yet. We are hoping to inspire the creators of tomorrow.
Do you have any measurable goals for your project such as the number of people that will participate? We would hope to have all 29 pupils participate.
Are you hoping to spread knowledge or increase interest in a specific subject? Yes we would like to increase interest in STEM education and coding.
If your project requires physical space, have you decided the location?Do you have all necessary permission and permits to carry out your project at the chosen location?
Our location will be in the classroon and then the school hall for the showcase.