Congratulations on taking the first step to transform your small outdoor space! We are here to help and guide you in this straightforward process to ensure a successful start!
Here is how to KICKSTART your own 'Mini Growing Space' Today.
First, once you have registered and received the allocation of the funding for your community, please remember to complete your application and challenge as quickly as you can!
The quicker you complete your challenge, the faster we can help! It's only 5 simple steps to get started!
So apply today to receive 8 weeks of continuous support for your mini team of growers!
Congratulations on taking the first step to transform your small outdoor space! We are here to help and guide you in this straightforward process to ensure a successful start!
Here is how to KICKSTART your own 'Mini Growing Space' Today.
First, once you have registered and received the allocation of the funding for your community, please remember to complete your application and challenge as quickly as you can!
The quicker you complete your challenge, the faster we can help! It's only 5 simple steps to get started!
So apply today to receive 8 weeks of continuous support for your mini team of growers!
Well done for completing the first part of your project. Let's keep the momentum going and complete the second part now!
Working progress...
The project is in working progress but so far has been a huge success. The Reception garden area has been dramatically improved and is a happy place to be for both children and staff. The children enjoy playing in the mud kitchen, cutting their own herbs and watering the plants. Our future plans involve planting trees in the 2 large planters, as well as purchasing further plants to complete the area and make it a pre historic wonderland.
Dear TS Kensington team! New school year is around the corner! Hope your summer has gone well! Please do add other people of your reception teacher/assistant team to the group so they can receive updates about the project (only admins can do this).
Site visit, design and first purchase of material has already been done. All raised beds are on site and it's time to build them and add some soil in before the beginning of school.
Please do get in touch to plan this stage and to move forward with your project.
Plant purchase will then follow once the raised beds are build.
Looking forward to seeing your new growing space fully installed!
Speak soon!
PLACE READY FOR THE PLANTERS - expected delivery date 12.07.2023
Next stage: end of August before school starts (1st September): SET UP THE GROWING SPACE
- Order and add soil, bark
- Order and plant in the space
--> variety of airplanes, succulents, herbs) to create a sensory area for the children
--> scented climbing plants on the wooden wall
--> mini greenhouse (for science)
--> herbs
--> a couple of trees for the square planters
Rest of material to be purchased according to the budget left
NOTE: Visit of school headteacher on site to discuss health and safety for the new space and material
Things to consider:
1 - no pergola or structure with permanent fixing
2 - no plants above the limit permitted (max height of the wooden fence)
3 - smooth edges of the planters on wheels
4 - trees (height not too high)
5 - exit access --- to be free from obstacles
6 - bark and other items added to the space ( get specifics on the size and mitigation measures)
1st Stage:
Clean up + Tidy Up of the area with teachers and assistants present on site.
Note: Children not on site - Last day before summer holidays
Planters ordered - arriving on 12.07.2023
PHOTOS ATTACHED show site after tidy up and clearing. Teachers in Action!
Site visit completed on 21 June 2023
Meeting with teams members
Measurement of the space taken
Initial Idea Brainstorm + design draft completed
PHOTOS ATTACHED show the site before work starts
Action plan:
Timeline: When will you be able to start your project? How often will your team meet? Are there any key dates to share for the project?
Budget: You don't need to share exact prices, but please share how you're planning to spend the seed funding & what costs you're anticipating to get your project up and running:
Impact: How will your community benefit from this project? Do you have any measurable goals for your project, such as the number of people that will participate? Are you hoping to spread knowledge or increase interest in a specific subject?
Improving the appearance of the Lower School outdoor space at the front of the school and also in the Reception garden so that the children can be exposed to nature on a day to day basis. Focusing on sensory aspects for Reception.
Location: If your project requires physical space, have you decided the location? Do you have all necessary permission and permits to carry out your project at the chosen location?
Lower School site with permission from the Head Teacher - Kelly Miller.
Additional questions
Please answer the questions below as much as you can.
Growing Space will review the information you provide before your kickstart call.
This will help save time and get you started straight on your project once you receive your seed funding!
1) Please take a few pictures of your site (at different time of the day ideally and when the sun is out).
2) Please write here a small description of what you would ideally like to achieve
We would like to improve the outdoor space of the school and give the children access to a variety of sensory experiences.
3) Please confirm the age group of children you are working with and that will be involved in the implementation of your project
4-7 year olds
4) Please give us the estimate of the number of children that your new Mini Growing Space will benefit (can be directly and indirectly)
5) What activities do you plan to offer that will include your community (other than children) (for instance, parents, neighbours, extended families of children or else, elderly people)
Parents and neighbors. An open garden/sensory expereince.
6) What do you already have in your site that can be reused (material, structures etc)?
7) Water access - please state if you have water access on your site and if you are willing to install a water butt (not obligatory)
Water access - no room for a water butt
8) Please confirm in writing here that you have permission from a manager or landlord (of the building or head of a school (as necessary) that says that they are happy to make the improvement of their outdoor space and let you lead the project.
Yes we have permission from the head teacher - Kelly Miller
Please note that it is your responsibility to ask a written permission to the site owner. The process is simple but essential to avoid delays in the future. This can be done an email or official head letter from a landlord or manager etc. Thank you for being diligent.
That’s all for now!
We are excited to get you started!