Yhteisöille Aloita hankeideoita Hanki rahoitusta, resursseja ja tukea vaikuttavien hankkeiden aloittamiseen
Sosiaalisille innovaattoreille Skaalaa hankeideasi Ota yhteyttä yhteisön muutoksentekijöihin ja rahoita vaikutustasi
Organisaatioille Perusta rahasto Rahoita sinulle tärkeitä teemoja ja alueita
[email protected] is my email address.
Ok, kind of figured that and understandable. I think we are all trying to regroup in some way. I'll share my email and once I hear from you, I'll share my mobile number. Many thanks Rohana.
Hi Jack, I'm afraid at the moment the group is not very active. We were a smallish group anyway and during the pandemic things fell off and we haven't really organised ourselves again. If you wanted to let me have your phone number I could certainly alert you to any activity that might happen. It is quite possible that a few of us will organise visits to each others gardens over the summer and this is usually a really nice, social occasion. I'm sorry that this is probably not very helpful. Rohana