Urban Thinkscape ke projeke ea Playful Learning Landscapes e kopanyang mesebetsi e 3 e theko e tlase hammoho ho hlahisa likamano tsa boleng bo holimo lipakeng tsa bana le bahlokomeli tikolohong ea litoropo. Playful Learning Landscapes e fana ka lithempleite tse 4 tseo sechaba se ka khethang ho tsona ho ntshetsapele mesebetsi e 3 ea litoropong (Lebota la Puzzle, Maoto a Ho Qhoma, ruler e kholo, papiso ea majoe). Baahi ba na le bolokolohi ba ho iketsetsa mesebetsi ea bona ea sebaka sa marang-rang ha feela mesebetsi e mecha e latela melao-motheo ea moralo oa ho ithuta. Bonyane e nngoe ea mesebetsi ea projeke ka nngoe ea Urban Thinkscape e lokela ho tsoa ho litempele tsa Playful Learning Landscape.
Playful Learning Landscapes ke mokhatlo oa lefatshe o lutseng mateanong a ho etsa libaka le thuto ea pele. Ka ho kenya litoropo tsa rona le libaka tsa sechaba menyetla ea ho ithuta ea ho bapala bakeng sa bana le malapa, re theha maemo a bophelo a monate le a kenyeletsang a khothalletsang boikutlo bo matla ba sechaba. Re boetse re ntlafatsa teka-tekano thutong le ho matlafatsa kholo ea bana ea kelello le ea sechaba, ho ba lokisetsa katleho ho fihlela lilemong tsa bo-21-
lekholo la lilemo.
Ho rala Libaka tsa ho Ithuta tse Playful, re sebelisa mokhoa oa likarolo tse 3:
1. Kamoo Bana ba Ithutang Kateng
E nang le moelelo
Ho Kopanela ka Mafolofolo
Tshebelisano-mmoho sechabeng
E pheta-phetoang
E thabileng
2. Seo Bana ba Ithutang Sona
Puisano; Litaba; Monahano o Bohlokoa; Boiqapelo ba Boqapi, Botshepehi, Tshebelisano
3. Maemo a Setjhaba
Moralo o atlehileng o tla kenyelletsa litšoaneleho tsohle tse 5 tsa KAMOO bana ba ithutang ka teng, le bonyane tse 1-2 tsa 6C's tse hlalosang lipakane tsa ho ithuta, kapa SEO bana ba se hlokang hore ba ithute hore ba atlehe.
Thank you for contacting Ricky. I am pretty sure we will have to remove those vines before washing especially the large vines that are still attached. I am hopeful that the pressure washing will help remove some the vein impressions.