Traffic Safety

Pre-school students need the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively, and connect the school with materials and technical advice to improve the knowledge and skills of students.

The "Online Traffic Safety Education" software aims to enhance and ensure the safety of elementary school students when participating in road traffic. This engaging and highly interactive educational product is designed to teach essential traffic safety skills to students. It not only benefits elementary school students but also supports teachers and the community in their efforts to improve ro...


The "Online Traffic Safety Education" software aims to enhance and ensure the safety of elementary school students when participating in ...


すでにTraffic Safetyをスタートさせているコミュニティに参加する



Argentinaにいませんか? 地域を変更する
Traffic... を開始する

“We are very proud to host the first training session of the Online Traffic Safety Education Program and are truly excited that it has been implemented nationwide. Now, the program will be used as a tool to protect students in Vietnam on their jou...

Traffic Safety
Dr. Phạm Hùng Anh
Director of the Student Management Office
Department of Education and Training


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    を完成させる。 30日間チャレンジ


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    シェア インパクト 概要と写真を掲載し、アンケートに回答する。


  • Primary schools

Traffic Safety プロジェクトの基本


  • The school develops the goals and desired results of the project.
  • Teachers familiarize themselves with the lesson plan software.
  • The school appoints a person to run the project
  • Implement lesson plans in class with students
  • Project impact report


提案: Cần 10 buổi học để hoàn thành. Tuy nhiên, việc thực hiện thực tế có thể khác nhau giữa các trường. Để đảm bảo hiệu quả tối ưu, một nhóm nên 15-20 học sinh là tối đa. Tuy nhiên, thưc tế thì tùy thuộc vào sĩ số của lớp.


開始方法に関する詳細情報および共有リソース Traffic Safety

4 Traffic Safety プロジェクトはすでに開始されています


ソーシャル イノベーターに会う

Welcome to AIP Foundation's “Online Traffic Safety Education” platform! We are excited to partner with you in the effort to improve and enhance the safe journey to school for elementary students.

By participating in the program, you will receive support through in-depth consultations with the program coordinator and the monitoring & evaluation coordinator. These resources, along with expert guidance, will help you accurately assess and implement the program, creating a safer environment for students and fostering the community’s commitment to traffic safety.

Thank you for joining us in promoting traffic safety at schools. Together, we can create sustainable positive changes and ensure that every student has a safe journey to school.


  • なぜ30日間チャレンジを行うのですか?



  • ファンドは何に使用できますか?



  • 利用可能なファンドがあるかどうかを知るためには、どうすればよいですか?



  • ChangeXとは何ですか?



    • コミュニティ:
    • あなたのコミュニティでインパクトのあるプロジェクトを開始するために必要な資金、リソース、サポートを得ることができます。
    • ソーシャルイノベーター:
    • 地域のチェンジメーカーとつながり、アイデアを拡大するためのファンドにアクセスし、世界中のより多くのコミュニティにインパクトを与えます。
    • ファンド提供者:最も関心のあるテーマや地域、測定可能なインパクト、世界規模でのファンドを提供します。



Vietnam Community Play Fund の他のアイデア

  • Play Action Box

    The Play Action Box is a toolkit of different elements that invites people and children of all ages to play and occupy urban public spaces.

  • Learning through Play Festival

    Learning Through Play Festival is an extracurricular activity held at elementary schools. Parents and students participate in fun, useful activities to learn about Learning through Play, the benefits of Learning through Play, and are guided by teachers to apply simple activities at home with their children, contributing to their hoslistic development.

  • ROBOTACON FIRST® LEGO® League – High School Table

    FIRST® LEGO® League Applied Science Playground in Vietnam is part of the ROBOTACON robot tournament system organized by Viet Tinh Anh Joint Stock Company in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Vietnam and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Education and the Department of Education and Training of provinces and cities.
