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Hi Karen, Yes, we have the entire event recorded, see https://www.pocacito.org/pocacito-in-superior/ Please contact me with any plans you have. How is the situation where you are? Any impacts from the fires?
Hi Max, Happy New Year! Was it recorded in the end? Here are two of our promos that you may be interested in and/or sharing. Karen at Mend It, Australia https://therestartproject.org/podcast/mend-it-australia/?fbclid=IwAR2Y4ein6keycl1uYgC6nVWPEH3rhCIIa7PNKaMtOdsijOHhBTykDZVO-NA https://youtu.be/b6siHQChYpY
Max, that would be great! Even an amateur recording would be better than no recording. It certainly fits with attending a conference on the circular economy with little waste involved. I attend the DIF each year from the comfort of my study in Melbourne. Brilliant.