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Recycling Champions

Recycling champions are those who take care of the planet and protect the future of future generations by committing to recycling and caring for the environment.


5 Step Guide to

Recycling Champions


Recycling Champions "Welcome, little recycling champions! You are an example of how small actions can generate big changes in our planet. Thank you for being part of the solution and for inspiring us all to take care of the environment." - maricarmen rodriguez

5 Steps

Who? Someone who...

Resource Checklist


The installation of the containers, the eco challenges and recovering a space in your school and/or community will take your team between 4 and 8 weeks. A weekly commitment of 4-6 hours will ensure that you carry out all activities successfully.

Make a team of participants who are interested in learning to care for and improve the environment where we live and share with nature and animals. Appoint an adult to carry out the tasks of calling and teaching the activities.

Involve a girl or boy as a project leader who can adequately and inspiringly communicate to their peers the activities to be carried out

Make a team of participants who are interested in learning to care for and improve the environment where we live and share with nature and animals. Appoint an adult to carry out the tasks of calling and teaching the activities.

Once you succesfully complete the 30 day challenge of ChangeX, the Culture Box team will contact you to send you the detailed instructions for implementing the program. Understands and transfer information about environmental care and waste management with the team as an introduction to the activities. Prepare the materials and organize with your team the days and times that the eco challenges will take place.

Culture Box project will support you with up to 5 hours of virtual training/ support to plan your project execution. 

Talk about recycling with your team and share ideas about the importance of taking care of the planet by separating garbage and turning it into new things. It is very important because this way we can prevent garbage from polluting the air, water and land. Let's team up with the planet and recycle together!"



The eco challenges consist of 6 activities that promote a culture of caring for the environment to generate agents of change as guardians of the environment.

  • RECYCLE: Implement waste containers for recycling in your school or community
  • LID WITH MESSAGE: Make a mural alluding to the care of the environment with the use of plastic lids
  • REUSE YOUR IMAGINATION: Create a toy from waste by encouraging the use of creativity and care for the environment.
  • RECYCLING RACE: Carry out the recycling race to strengthen the learning of waste separation.
  • MESSAGES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: make a poster or drawing about caring for the environment and waste management, spreading a message in your community.
  • RECOVERING SPACES WITH YOUR IMAGINATION: Identify the spaces to recover within your school or in your home: Invite your team to identify the spaces in your school that need renovation or improvement and explain to them how they could do it using recycled materials.

When you have recovered the spaces with recycled materials, celebrate their success and thank them for their commitment and dedication to the project. You can also organize an exhibition so that the other students and teachers can appreciate the work done by your team. Invite other people to do some of the activities they did. Spread your photos and videos on social networks with messages about caring for the environment. Share your experience with us.
