Deenagh lodge, Killarney National Park, Killarney, Co.Kerry
Do you like listening to and performing poetry? How about performing it in the wonderful environs of the Killarney National Park? Well you came to the right place! This event will take place at 2pm outside the Deenagh Lodge on Sunday 7th May, so bring your picnic blankets and foldable chairs etc. unless there's a tree stump nearby!
It would be helpful if participants could tell me in advance if they will be performing. Please message the Poetry in the Park facebook page or ring Matt on 0879511077. Poetry is the preferred material for this event but it can be either your own or someone else's.
Poetry in the Park has two main aims:
1. To bring poetry outdoors into various communities to adults and children through a range of actions, mediums and environments which challenges people's perceptions about poetry, how it is delivered and how we can relate to it.
2. To be inclusive for all, all ages, races, abilities.
The poetry can be in any language, and everyone is welcome to share their poetry or just to come along and listen! This is a free family event so bring your rhymes!
Free admission
Lo mcimbi uphelile.