Bridgefoot Street dublin 8
Yes Yes AND Yes, we been in the garden prepping two plots for our G.I.Y Group.
we have an open garden policy and we are open every sat from 2-4pm with OPEN DAYS through the month.
Feb 18th 12 - 4pm
12-1230 introductions and garden/tool safety.
1230 - 1430 Planting,weeding,and plot/soil preparations.
1430 -1500 tea break. bring yer own cup, we will have tea and coffee facilities
1500- 1600 finishing up, IDEAS and tool cleaning.
we also run a REPAIR CAFE the last Sat of every month.
we will base this around garden tools, house potted plants and the community garden. we are planting lots of mint for our MINT CAFE which will open as soon as our mint takes off.
Our community Garden depends on Volunteers all through the week their are various workshops and garden meet ups.
the garden is maintained by a couple of lads from surrounding men's sheds and we operate the Dublin mens shed , The liberties Independent \Men's shed and our community shed which gives access to the Whole community to access the benefits of SHEDDIN'
More new meet ups will be coming as soon as the weather picks up,
Thai Chi
Land Sculpture
if you are interesed why not drop in and have a chat. Don't forget to bring something to plant, and harvest.
other dates to keep in min
feb 25th
March 11th
March 25th
or contact us [email protected]
Lo mcimbi uphelile.