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Reto Súmate al Juego Antioquia

COL$217.365.154 · Antioquia
Introduci idee collaudate nella tua comunità

Idee di successo e finanziamenti per la tua comunità

The available funding for this initiative, supported by LEGO Foundation, has been fully allocated to community projects at this time.

Come funziona
  • Select an idea listed below and register to get your project page
  • Use your project page to complete the 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan
  • Once you're active let us know what impact you are having in your community
Puoi fare domanda se
  • You are a non-profit association or foundation
  • You want to start a ChangeX idea to improve your local community
  • You're passionate about creating Learning through Play opportunities in your community in Antioquia
Cosa ricevi
  • Seed funding to start your selected idea
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social impact of your active project

Esplora le idee

Scegli un'idea da avviare nella tua comunità. Vedi Termini e Condizioni.
Le domande per questo finanziamento sono chiuse. Puoi comunque avviare idee senza finanziamenti o verificare la presenza di altri finanziamenti attivi nella tua zona.

    Turn everyday places into playspaces through Play Everywhere.

  • aeioTU Network

    Hub for Early Childhood ecosystem actors to interact and learn.

  • Playing with Trust

    Playing With Trust is a very unique board game/digital game that encourages the playful use of public spaces

  • Playworks

    Leverage evidence-based play strategies to transform the culture of your recess, classroom, or youth program!

  • Urban Thinkscape

    Transform a public space in your community into a joyful learning opportunity.

  • Playground Ideas

    Build a playground wherever you are, using local tools, materials, and skills

  • Educazione alla condivisione

    Teaming up with teachers to learn about social emotional skills through play

  • Carrello dei Noodles

    Make creativity, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) and well being top priorities by transforming any space into a creative, loose parts, play space for 3-12 year olds.

121 persone si sono già iscritte al

Inizia qualcosa oggi

Together for play, the global movement of which Colombia has been a part since 2019, is delighted with the arrival of Change X in the country. With their support, expertise and great team, we will continue working with local actors to positively impact children by promoting their holistic development through play. -Daniela Duque, Together for Play Movement
