The Programme
FIRST LEGO League shows young people what it means to be an engineer and work with STEM skills and subjects, but focuses on practical, hand-on learning, so they are doing, not watching. FIRST® LEGO® League Discover is designed for 4-6-year-olds and develops children’s STEM skills from an early age. Delivered in school by the class teacher, children work in groups of four to explore a real-world theme with an exclusive LEGO® Discover model. Using this model as a starting point, they design and build new models of their own with LEGO® STEAM park bricks. Working through a series of tasks and challenges, the programme finishes with a Celebration Event to recognise the children’s achievements.
As they work, they develop valuable habits of learning, such as persisting with tasks and applying previous knowledge to new situations. Throughout their experience, teams operate under the FIRST® LEGO® League Core Values, celebrating discovery and teamwork, all while having fun! Skills are also developed at home with the Discover More set – a take-home resource consisting of two sets of Six Bricks to continue learning at home with parents and caretakers.
Children get the chance to showcase their learning journey at the end of the programme with a Celebration Event, which involves building, a special challenge and talking about what they have learnt with parents and other adults. Their hard work and perseverance are celebrated with a certificate and lots of high fives!
What you can do The Social Innovation Scientific Park of UNIMINUTO, as an Official Partner of FIRST® and LEGO® Education in Colombia, want to expand the learning opportunities so that children and young people in Colombia, through collective work, can connect and enhance the quality of life of all , proposing ingenious solutions that will allow us to keep our home, our planet, working. Innovation can't wait because... the next step starts with you!
Register to complete the 30 Day Challenge to cover all costs associated with delivering the program to your school.
The Programme
FIRST LEGO League shows young people what it means to be an engineer and work with STEM skills and subjects, but focuses on practical, hand-on learning, so they are doing, not watching. FIRST® LEGO® League Discover is designed for 4-6-year-olds and develops children’s STEM skills from an early age. Delivered in school by the class teacher, children work in groups of four to explore a real-world theme with an exclusive LEGO® Discover model. Using this model as a starting point, they design and build new models of their own with LEGO® STEAM park bricks. Working through a series of tasks and challenges, the programme finishes with a Celebration Event to recognise the children’s achievements.
As they work, they develop valuable habits of learning, such as persisting with tasks and applying previous knowledge to new situations. Throughout their experience, teams operate under the FIRST® LEGO® League Core Values, celebrating discovery and teamwork, all while having fun! Skills are also developed at home with the Discover More set – a take-home resource consisting of two sets of Six Bricks to continue learning at home with parents and caretakers.
Children get the chance to showcase their learning journey at the end of the programme with a Celebration Event, which involves building, a special challenge and talking about what they have learnt with parents and other adults. Their hard work and perseverance are celebrated with a certificate and lots of high fives!
What you can do The Social Innovation Scientific Park of UNIMINUTO, as an Official Partner of FIRST® and LEGO® Education in Colombia, want to expand the learning opportunities so that children and young people in Colombia, through collective work, can connect and enhance the quality of life of all , proposing ingenious solutions that will allow us to keep our home, our planet, working. Innovation can't wait because... the next step starts with you!
Register to complete the 30 Day Challenge to cover all costs associated with delivering the program to your school.
Plan de acción para el proyecto Discovery
El equipo STEAMCO cuenta con estudiantes entusiasmados en participar de esta gran iniciativa.
Realizar una campaña motivando el juego como una herramienta de aprendizaje y también de convocatoria a la unión.
Los fondos iniciales se invertirán en:
1. Inscripción FIRST LEGO League
2. Comprar una mesa para FIRST LEGO
3. Compra Material para FIRST LEGO
4. Apoyos Económicos para Mentores
5. viáticos para visitas técnicas a expertos en energías
6. Compra de papelería, útiles para los estudiantes
6. refrigerios para los estudiantes y Mentores
El equipo STEAMCO creara un perfil en alguna de estas redes sociales, Facebook, Instagram, página web y publicidad voz a voz para compartir el desarrollo que se estará obteniendo y también la búsqueda de posibles estudiantes que deseen sumarse al equipo.
2 de agosto se espera que el equipo en conjunto vea el lanzamiento oficial de la FIRST LEGO League
1. Se buscará el acercamiento a empresas o grupos de investigación en temas de cualquier tipo de energía para abordar el tema del desafío de este año.
2. Preparación de los equipos los estudiantes y profesores recibirán una capacitación de los valores de FIRST y que esto “es más que robots”
3. Preparación técnica en base a la Cooperticion y el profesionalismo cordial trabajando de la mano con el juego y la gamificación.
4. Buscar la mejor manera de fomentar las habilidades blandas mientras se perfeccionan en las habilidades duras.
Estrategias a tener en cuenta para el manejo del COVID:
Todos los alumnos de la FIRST LEGO League y los Mentores están vacunados, esto nos permite tener una protección más fuerte contra un posible contagio del virus, en todo caso, debemos exigir a todos de manera enfática el lavado de manos antes de ingresar a los entrenamiento o clases la desinfección constante es algo primordial y que se debe recalcar como un tema tan importante para todo el equipo de mantenernos limpios y seguros, en el momento del descanso todo el equipo hace lavado y desinfección de manos, además porque es el momento permitido para ingerir alimentos, en los espacios asignados para esta actividad. Adicionalmente no se permitirá la presencia física de los Estudiantes o Mentores que tengan síntomas de gripa, se les dará la opción de asistir al entrenamiento de manera virtual. En caso de pandemia, el equipo está listo para trabajar de manera sincrónica virtual o asincrónica virtual.