Для громад Розпочати ідею Отримайте фінансування, ресурси та підтримку, щоб розпочати ефективні проєкти
Для соціальних інноваторів Масштабувати свою ідею Зв'язатися із лідерами змін у громадах та отримайте фінансування, щоб розповсюдити вплив
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Hi Cathy. I'm so happy that you want to be involved! You can be involved without attending the training, but we're hoping to get as many to the training as possible. The organization is new to the US and we still have technical/web issues to work out. I'm not savvy with those things. I may be best to stay in touch through private message on Facebook or by phone. My number is 507-301-9601. I look forward to meeting you, Cathy!
Hi Paula, I'm interested! I would appreciate more information. I'm not sure I'll be able to make the training on June 19-20--does that mean I can't join? Also, what qualifies as "older" volunteers? Also, I don't speak Spanish, fyi. I am an elementary teacher, so I have time this summer for volunteering. Thank you!